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This is a port of ManagedCuda to .NET Standard 2.0. It has been tested on Linux and Microsoft Windows. ManagedCUDA aims an easy integration of NVidia's CUDA in .NET applications written in C#, F#, Visual Basic or any other .NET language.
For this it includes:
- A complete wrapper for the CUDA Driver API, version 9.1 (a 1:1 representation of cuda.h in C#)
- Based on this, wrapper classes for CUDA context, kernel, device variable, etc.
- Wrapper for graphics interop with DirectX and OpenGL, respectively SlimDX and OpenTK
- CUDA vector types like int2, float3 etc. with ToString() methods and operators (+, –, *, /)
- Define your own types: CudaDeviceVariable accepts any user defined type if it is a value type, i.e. a struct in C#
- Includes all CUDA libraries: CUFFT, CURAND, CUSPARSE, CUBLAS, CUSOLVE, NPP, NVGRAPH, Nvml and NVRTC (not all of them are up to date yet)
- Access device memory directly per element using [] operator:
CudaDeviceVariable<float> devVar = new CudaDeviceVariable<float>(64); devVar[0] = 1.0f; devVar[1] = 2.0f; float hostVar1 = devVar[0]; float hostVar2 = devVar[1];
- Implicit converter operators: Allocate and initialize device or host arrays in only one line of code:
float3[] array_host = new float3[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { array_host[i] = new float3(i, i+1, i+2); } //alloc device memory and copy data: CudaDeviceVariable<float3> array_device = array_host; //alloc host array and copy data: float3[] array_host2 = array_device;
- NPPs extension methods for CudaDeviceVariable. Add a reference to the NPP library and include the ManagedCuda.NPP.NPPsExtensions namespace:
Random rand = new Random(); int length = 256; //init some ramdom values double[] randoms = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { randoms[i] = rand.NextDouble(); } //Alloc device memory CudaDeviceVariable<double> a = randoms; CudaDeviceVariable<double> b = new CudaDeviceVariable<double>(length); b.Set(10.0); //NPPs method int size = a.MeanGetBufferSize(); //NPPs method //Alloc temporary memory for NPPs mean method CudaDeviceVariable<byte> buffer = new CudaDeviceVariable<byte>(size); CudaDeviceVariable<double> mean = new CudaDeviceVariable<double>(1); a.Mul(b); //NPPs method a.DivC(10.0); //NPPs method a.Mean(mean, buffer); //NPPs method //Copy data back to host double m = mean; double[] res = a; //Clean up mean.Dispose(); buffer.Dispose(); b.Dispose(); a.Dispose();
- Compiles for .NET Standard 2.0, runs on Windows and Linux.
- The new feature 'per thread default stream' is available as a compiler directive of the managedCuda main library: Compile the library with the option "_PerThreadDefaultStream" to enable it.
NuGet packages
Prebuilt NuGet packages are available on
You can read the full API reference documentation.
Pleases report issues related to the .NET Standard port of ManagedCuda at
Building from source
Source code is available at
For building you need the following software:
- .NET Core SDK 2.0
Place the required native libraries from the CUDA SDK into the Redist
To obtain NuGet packages for a Release build, run from the root directory:
dotnet pack -c Release
The built packages are located in the Packages/Release
See ManagedCUDA.targets
for common build settings.